Welcome to Open the Lid!
Courses and Community for Disabled People and Allies.
Open the Lid is NOT
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Speech Therapy
- Professional Organizer
- Communications Specialist
- Counselling
- CommunityHab
Open the Lid is NOT
- Only for Neurotypical People
- Only for Disabled and Neurodivergent People
Open the Lid is NOT
- a Social Club
- a Dance Party
- a Dating Coach
- a Diet Program
- an Art Class
- an Exercise Program
Joanie Groome - Caregiver/Advocate
“Open the Lid’s command of systems, the community, emotional intelligence, patience, person-centeredness, psychology, parenting concerns, inclusion, old systems. Amazing. So much of what’s available and how to resource it and when is all in silos, putting families in utter chaos. Open the Lid is so necessary!”
Let's Stay in Touch
✔ Join our Facebook group: Open the Lid Community
✔ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Open the Lid